Professional Beta Read

$100 for up to 50,000 words

$150 for 50,000 t0 100,000 words

$200 for 100,000 to 150,000 words

 Is a professional beta read the right service for you?

If you aren’t ready to commit to a full developmental edit or manuscript evaluation, or just need some high-level feedback on your full manuscript, this is a great option! Opting for a professional beta read is also a great, low-risk way to test the waters to see if my feedback style is a good fit for you.

What is included in a professional beta read?

  • A full read-through of your manuscript

  • A short (usually 1-2 pages) editorial letter commenting on strengths and opportunities for improvement.

  • Answers for up to three specific questions of your choice about your plot, characters, setting, etc.